Thursday, April 8, 2010

Avian Reskilling

With the sun shining, and the temperatures warming up I hate to miss even a second of day light. I set an alarm in the morning even if there's nothing planned, shaking Adam awake and begging him to come out and play with me.

Last week, while trying to cajole my handsome fiance out of bed kitten jumped up into the window and started preowing at a bird. Because the bedroom is in the basement, I couldn't see the bird, but I could hear it. I've been learning bird identification lately, and I nearly started crying tears of exciting-silly-joy when I know what it was.

Fee-bee, fee-bee. Fee-bee, fee-bee, it sang through the window.
"Adam, I know what the bird is! It's an Eastern Phoebe! Listen - it say it's own name as it calls!"
Undoubtedly he laughed, but I was so excited! I know a handful of bird vocalizations now, and can identify pretty much anyone I see. Birding is a hobby I would definitely recommend! It's fairly easy, you can practice it anywhere, and it's fulfilling to learn a new useful skill.

Eastern Phoebe

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