Thursday, April 21, 2011

I don't want to appear ungrateful, because I don't believe I am.
But right now my state of being is largely shaped not by what I have, but what I find lacking.
I've recently been inspired to take action and drop the plague of apathy; I want to drop all unimportant matters and really start to fight for what I believe in - the earth, humanity, social and environmental justice.
As I open my mind and heart, turning back towards internal reflection, I want to develop a more-complete independent self.
I want to control my own time, without the responsibilities I now view as burdens. I want to take on new responsibilities. I want to truly be a part of a movement to stop the atrocities against the earth and all it's life forms. I want to properly articulate my thoughts and feelings. I want to sing loud. I want to run until my lungs and feet ache. I want to shake this lonesome feeling. I want to absorb all the words, thoughts, feelings, and ideas from all the books on my shelf that I've been neglecting. I want to better manage my time, focusing more on fulfilling matters of the mind rather than wastes of time. I want to always carry with me the perspective of being incredibly small, but having the power to create change. I want to feel strong hands through my dark hair.


  1. This is so inspiring!

  2. People want a lot of things. And it's great to dream and be inspired. But that can only get you so far. And that's not far enough.

    I WANT to see this rewritten: replace all the "I wants" to "I wills".

  3. woop woop you go girl, nd Jason makes very good point so listen to him
