My dreams have been incredibly vivid lately. Not lucid, by any means, but there are points of consciousness in many of them - when I can feel the wind around my face as I jump from air, I feel the softness of the feathers on a woman's white coat, or the heat from a meteor (meteoroid? meteorite?) looming over head. Each time, aspects of the dream are so real, that I'm absolutely sure that I'm actually experiencing it. In these dreams, I even remember asking myself if I'm dreaming. I've never had dreams like this, but I'm not having them nearly every night.
I wake up, questioning reality.
I had another crazy dream! I woke up, terrified and calling out for Adam who was gaming in the living room.
The dream itself was very long, and as hard as I tried to remember it all, I've since forgotten most of it (i need to start writing these down right away!) But I was sitting on the floor while my mom and a friend from high school were sitting on the couch behind me. my mom got a text message and I read it. She must have been on some Obama automatic text thing, because it was a mass-text from Obama warning everyone about the meteor that was about to hit the earth. In a panic, I showed my mom. We turned on the television and their were reports about the meteor coming closer to the earth, details of how the giant rock would briefly get caught in earth's orbit before crashing down onto the planet.
Looking out the window, we could see it nearing. The last thing I remember was staring up at the sky, watching it get closer. Just before i woke up, the only thing I could see was this giant, flaming rock (looking similar to the sun) directly above me. I just waited for impact.
And then when I was certain this was the end and a new journey was about to begin, I woke up.